Wednesday 19 December 2012

Brainstorming and Initial Planning

Assignment 4 for the Teamwork Practices module, tasks the class of BMM1005-1 to devise and produce 'an experimental outcome involving digital media which is designed to participate in or support a major public exhibition' called 'Sensations: Artifice + Desire'

This assignment is a group work and we have been grouped into 4: Ching Hui, Fung, Jayis and myself. Our team is called 4ttitude.

We have chosen to do an Interactive Youtube Video which is described as:

" A set of interactive YouTube videos that applies dynamic/ non-;inear storytelling method which must have 5 stages and scenes. This package is intended to work as a viral campaign and will build audiences for the exhibition and allow users to pre-experience the show. Each video will be provacative, enigmatic, compulsive and will challenge the viewer to enable them to experience a big idea/theme/ focused content in a creative new angle..."

So for this project, we have decided to have our topic as 'technology and what it means to be human' specifically, the theme of 'effects of ubiquitous computing and digitization on the human archetype'.

Our video will consist of an avatar/ AI (to go in conjunction with the exhibition: Robots and Avatars - our coworkers and playmates of the future) Which will have a conversation with the user asking him/her questions and basically, testing what makes the user human. There will be multiple choices and multiple "endings"

Here is an example from the video game mass effect: Of how our conversations might work.