Tuesday 26 February 2013

Programming/technical blog - Youtube Annotations

Our installation runs exclusively on Youtube so therefore in order to link one video from the next we used youtube annotations to mimic the flow of a conversation as the user chooses what response to say.

Addint the annotations and editing

Testing the annotations and linking

We had over 60 videos at the end of shooting.editing and 3 different user endings

Storyline excerpt.

The narrative/storyline to support our installation.


Prototype Code-named EDI (Electronic Dynamic Intelligence)

Status: ACTIVE - Under Surveillance.

EDI is the latest prototype in a range of Artificial Intelligence designed for user-computer relations in corporate environments. Programmed using streamlined and efficient coding and tested under a multitude of different situations, EDI has performed remarkably - demonstrating almost human-like capabilities when it comes to the analytical process.

Within a few weeks of activation, EDI has shown signs of comprehension and sentience, going out of her coding protocol and even denying orders and commands given by various operators. EDI seems to respond to human emotion and is easily manipulated into various emotional states of "being".

Command has ordered the immediate isolation of the EDI prototype to a remote area of The One Academy of Communication Design. They are interested to see how EDI will react and perform in a new environment. The process of integration will be monitored and the results evaluated; with the fate of the EDI prototype hanging in the balance. Command believes that EDI has the potential to become a milestone in human-computer interface design, or the potential to become a great threat.

To anyone who comes in contact with EDI, exercise caution when choosing a response. EDI has gained the capability to "read your thoughts" and transmit them to digital data in the form of 'sentences' which can be selected using the touchscreen interface. Your response is vital in determining the full extent of her "psychological growth". We thank you for your patronage and participation in this important experiment.

Welcome to Project Humanipulate.

Team 4ttitude,
Elegant Electronic Systems.

Team Management (facebook updates round 2)

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Academic Tutorial 9/1/2013

Area of Discussion:
WIP presentation

Notes of Discussion:
(kudos: very good presentation, well done guys!)

- teamworking and organization of the powerpoint - was good.

- Different space consideration (another kind of design?)
- how to tell the story in the booth
-12th one exhibition , 13th another. 10x10x7 (how to sell the idea)

-CCV (software)
-storyline finalization

Agreed Actions:
-improve graphics and logistics.
-think of the angle of displaying the videos. (curved screen?)
-depth/background of the character.
-the emulation and personality of the AI
-type of interaction
-consideration of the target audience (who are they? just designers? teens 17 yo dont attend this college)
=how to make them anxious
=sound and lighting
=story of the installation

-storyboard for the project
-emotional response, how to measure the response - what kind of emotion?

Programming and Project lead specifics: 

-CCV touch software experimentation

hink of the angle of displaying the videos. (curved screen?)
-depth/background of the character.
-the emulation and personality of the AI
-type of interaction
-consideration of the target audience (who are they? just designers? teens 17 yo dont attend this college)
    =how to make them anxious
    =sound and lighting
    =story of the installation
-storyboard for the project

Different space for installation, consideration on how to use the space best.