Tuesday 15 January 2013

Academic Tutorial 9/1/2013

Area of Discussion:
WIP presentation

Notes of Discussion:
(kudos: very good presentation, well done guys!)

- teamworking and organization of the powerpoint - was good.

- Different space consideration (another kind of design?)
- how to tell the story in the booth
-12th one exhibition , 13th another. 10x10x7 (how to sell the idea)

-CCV (software)
-storyline finalization

Agreed Actions:
-improve graphics and logistics.
-think of the angle of displaying the videos. (curved screen?)
-depth/background of the character.
-the emulation and personality of the AI
-type of interaction
-consideration of the target audience (who are they? just designers? teens 17 yo dont attend this college)
=how to make them anxious
=sound and lighting
=story of the installation

-storyboard for the project
-emotional response, how to measure the response - what kind of emotion?

Programming and Project lead specifics: 

-CCV touch software experimentation

hink of the angle of displaying the videos. (curved screen?)
-depth/background of the character.
-the emulation and personality of the AI
-type of interaction
-consideration of the target audience (who are they? just designers? teens 17 yo dont attend this college)
    =how to make them anxious
    =sound and lighting
    =story of the installation
-storyboard for the project

Different space for installation, consideration on how to use the space best.

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